Research Article

A Comparative Study of Two Translations of Manto’s Short Story “Toba Tek Singh”


  • Saddiqa Ahsan Graduate Researcher (BS Hons), Department of English, Government Sadiq College Women University Bahawalpur, Pakistan


The purpose of this study is to analyze the translation of Manto's short story “Toba Tek Singh” by Khalid Hassan and Aatish  Taseer. The study through qualitative method of research analysis the works related to this study. The study discusses the techniques of translation like Adaptation, Free translation and Imitation with the help of Mona Baker’s theory from the book “Routledge Encyclopedia of Translation Studies” which  is applied to these two translations. The study shows how Hassan omitted some real words, phrases and sentences of the source language and he added some new words, phrases and sentences into the translation. It also shows how Taseer maintains the beauty of the original text. It is concluded that the translation of Taseer is clear and regarded as the best translation as compared to Hassan. Taseer has a good command over the translation and he also used effective strategies of translation than Hassan.

Article information


International Journal of English Language Studies

Volume (Issue)

2 (1)





How to Cite

Ahsan, S. . (2020). A Comparative Study of Two Translations of Manto’s Short Story “Toba Tek Singh”. International Journal of English Language Studies, 2(1), 12–27. Retrieved from



Translation,, Taseer,, Hassan, Bakee