Research Article

Gender Role and Supervisory Styles of Public-School Heads


  • Rosalinda A. Tan District Supervisor, Department of Education – Cebu City Division, Cebu City, Philippines
  • Rex Argate Chairperson, College of Teacher Education & Graduate School, University of Cebu – Main, Cebu City, Philippines
  • Harline L. Barcoso Faculty, Senior High School Department, University of Cebu – Main, Cebu City, Philippines


The study focused on the administrative and supervisory functions of male and female school heads in public schools of Cebu City Division. The key informants were school heads and teachers from sixteen districts in Cebu City Division. The school head informants were chosen according to the number of administrative and instructional experience. The school heads had at least five years leadership experience. The teacher informants were chosen at random by the researcher. The main instrument of the study was the researcher and the key informants. The study utilized interview guides covering different areas of administrative management and instructional leadership function. In administrative management the informants were interviewed about the distinct practices of male and female school heads involving human research management, physical facilities management, fiscal management, data management, linkage management, communication and conflict management. In instructional leadership function, the key informants talked about the distinct practices of male and female school heads in instructional supervision, curriculum leadership and staff development. Based on the findings of the study, the following propositions were drawn: one, administrative function could be gauged by physical facilities, teacher behavior and student development; two, instructional leadership is contributed by learning performance outcome and teacher competence; third, gender bears the administrative function and instructional leadership. From the different propositions mentioned, this theory was generated, Tan’s Gender Role Orientation Theory of Institutional Management. After the conduct of the study and the theory generated, it is revealed that administrative and instructional leadership styles of male and female school heads can be influenced by gender orientation.

Article information


Journal of World Englishes and Educational Practices

Volume (Issue)

2 (6)





How to Cite

Tan, R. A. ., Argate, R., & Barcoso, H. L. . (2020). Gender Role and Supervisory Styles of Public-School Heads. Journal of World Englishes and Educational Practices , 2(6), 01-12.







gender, supervisory styles, school heads, leadership