Research Article

Searching for Identity in the Writings of Bangladeshi Muslim Women Writers


  • Morve Roshan College of International Studies, Southwest University, Chongqing, China
  • Kadri Nashrin Phil Research Scholar, Study Abroad Program, Institute of Indic Studies, Diaspora Research Center, Gujarat University, Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India


This research depicts the significance of Bangladeshi women writing with articulates their identity and struggle for equality. This faded positive change creates a convenient platform for young women as well as changes the world’s stereotypical male point of view. Also, Bangladeshi women writers have focused on the exasperation history, globally women’s condition and marked women’s foregrounded lightly touched their untold history. Furthermore, this article argues that the Bangladeshi diaspora identity crisis as a major issue of the globe. Interestingly, there are many different types of identity such as national identity, ethnic identity, communal identity, gender identity and so on. In these types of identities, we are going to focus on the gender identity which challenges women discrimination. The gender inequality has started from their birth time. We have trapped in a male disoriented dominating the world where we can see disquieting gender inequality in every field and in every country of the world. Remarkably, this research engages to the Bangladeshi Muslim women’s representation as other women. As we can see that very few research works have focused on the positive disoblige aspect and to deny divisive ideas leads our interest to write this paper. It has been seen that today’s long gap of the discrepancy fills a gap to know how women encourage us to talk about our vague memory of women’s dividends contribution and disparity in society and literature.

Article information


Journal of World Englishes and Educational Practices

Volume (Issue)

2 (4)





How to Cite

Roshan , M. ., & Nashrin, K. . (2020). Searching for Identity in the Writings of Bangladeshi Muslim Women Writers. Journal of World Englishes and Educational Practices , 2(4), 10-16.







Bangladesh, diaspora, gender inequality, identity, Muslims, women writers