Article contents
Teacher's Educational Knowledge Ability to Implement Holistic and Integrated Learning in Paud Lesson Plan
This study aimed to determine the teacher's ability to make lesson plans based on the teacher's pedagogic Knowledge and implement integrative holistic learning. This study used a descriptive method by using a questionnaire on 30 Kindergarten teachers in the city of Serang. Early childhood is the most critical age in children's growth and development. The role of a teacher is needed in order to support the children. Children need stimulation for growing and development. In order to have close interaction and exemplary implementation, a teacher is needed to have great potential, such as the best standard of knowledge quality. Pedagogic Knowledge of teachers is one of support for implementing a holistic and integrative approach in arrangement programs to the early childhood education. The population is selected to be teacher majoring in childhood education who has qualified for the degree. The sample is taken from 30 teachers. The instrument used a collection questionnaire and test that combined with the observation. This research is descriptive. A teacher could discuss stimulation aspects to get the best holistic and integrative.
Article information
Journal of World Englishes and Educational Practices
Volume (Issue)
4 (1)
Open access

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