Research Article

A Post-Colonial Re-Reading of Daniel Defoe's Robinson Crusoe


  • Hazmah Ali AI-Harshan Assistant Professor at the Department of Languages and Translation, Faculty of Education and Arts, University of Tabuk, Saudi Arabia


The imperial project started to influence English national identity as early as the mid-seventeenth century, and the English began to relate their national prominence to their colonial activities, whether in trade or in the acquisition of foreign territories, throughout the eighteenth century. However, England experienced its share of anxieties on the road to imperial "greatness" in its dealings with both other European powers and its native subjects. The British people's tendency to examine themselves and their international achievements with intense pride helped to neutralize those anxieties, much like Crusoe's imagined responses to possible dangers alleviate his fictional forebodings. The English ameliorated their concerns about their international position by becoming an ever more self-referential society, thinking more highly of themselves on account of their contact with colonized peoples, as is epitomized in the personality of Crusoe. To the fictional Crusoe, the experience of his relationship with Friday validates his self-worth and his native culture more than anything else. Robinson Crusoe's affirmation of colonial power through the assertion of his authority over a particular (othered) individual corresponds with, and epitomizes, England's trading and territorial empire during the eighteenth century and the consequent effects on British subjectivity, at a time when the British were struggling to set up a trading empire and challenging other European powers for territory and markets abroad. Robinson Crusoe successfully resolves the insecurities relating to Britain's colonial activities by asserting, through Crusoe's character, the superior nature of the English subject.

Article information


Journal of World Englishes and Educational Practices

Volume (Issue)

3 (12)





How to Cite

AI-Harshan, H. A. (2021). A Post-Colonial Re-Reading of Daniel Defoe’s Robinson Crusoe. Journal of World Englishes and Educational Practices , 3(12), 21-28.







Daniel Defoe, Colonialism, British subjectivity, Robinson Crusoe