Article contents
Research Capabilities of Public Secondary School Teachers in the Schools Division of Zambales
The study aimed to assess the research capability of public secondary school teachers in the Division of Zambales and utilized a descriptive research design with a questionnaire as the main instrument in gathering data from seven hundred (700) teacher-respondents who were randomly selected. The researcher found out that the respondent is a married female Teacher-I in her early adulthood, with 21-25 hours of teaching load, baccalaureate degree holder had no research conducted and published but had attended a school-based seminar on research with knowledge on basic computer applications. The respondents were assessed "moderately capable" of writing a research proposal and writing a research report. There is significant differences in civil status, academic rank, specialization, number of seminars attended, number of research published, and the level of computer literacy towards writing research proposal while the significant difference in age, specialization, number of seminars attended number of research published, and the level of computer literacy towards writing a research report. There is a slight or weak relationship between the number of research conducted and the research capability and a negligible relationship between the number of seminars attended and the research capability as to writing a research proposal and writing a research report.
Article information
Journal of World Englishes and Educational Practices
Volume (Issue)
3 (7)
Open access

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