Research Article

Stress Management Amidst of the Covid-19 Pandemic of Public Junior High School Teachers in Selected High School of Aborlan North District


  • Eliza Panis Principal II, Marcelo A. Bantug National High School, Aborlan North District, Division of Palawan, Department of Education, Aborlan, Palawan, Philippines


This study was conducted from February 2021 to March 2021 to determine the stress management amidst the covid - 19 pandemics of the junior high school teachers in selected high schools of Aborlan North. The descriptive research design, specifically the survey method, was used in this study. Data were gathered through survey questionnaires. A total of 39 permanent teachers were enumerated from the selected high schools as the respondents of the study. The result showed that most of the respondents were married females in their middle age. They had been in the service for a mean of 11.3 years and almost three fourth (74.4%) of them were Secondary School Teacher I with a mean teaching load of 26.4 hours per week. The perceived sources of stress such as work, family, personal, and environmental were considered distinctly part of the respondents’ lives. The level of perceived stress of the respondents was noted to be “high stress”. The activities engaged in very often to manage stress by a majority of the respondents were walking, praying, attending church/religious service, planting, gardening, and watering plants, washing domes, cooking/baking, evaluating oneself, watching the news, watching entertainment programs, watching “teledramas”, “telenovelas”, listening to music, texting, going to the internet, and talking with a family member.

Article information


Journal of World Englishes and Educational Practices

Volume (Issue)

3 (5)





How to Cite

Panis, E. (2021). Stress Management Amidst of the Covid-19 Pandemic of Public Junior High School Teachers in Selected High School of Aborlan North District. Journal of World Englishes and Educational Practices , 3(5), 39-53.







Covid-19 pandemic, teachers, stress management, years of service, sources of stress, work-related stress, level of perceived stress, job-related