Research Article

The Journey towards the Love for Reading: From the Lens of English Enthusiasts


  • Nicomedes S. Lumontad Faculty, College of Liberal Arts, University of Cebu – Main, Cebu City, Philippines
  • Amelia Bonotan Faculty, Graduate School, Cebu Normal University, Cebu City, Philippines
  • Rex Argate Chairperson, College of Teacher Education & Graduate School, University of Cebu – Main, Cebu City, Philippines


This study described the lived experiences of the English enthusiasts at the University of Cebu – Main Campus. The study used Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA) through 15 BSED English Majors interviews. The analysis of data generated six themes “Actually, I am not really fond of reading books, but I’ve learned to enjoy reading love storybooks. They are very entertaining.” (Gaining Interest and Love for Reading), “The challenges that I encountered in my journey towards acquiring the love of reading are the unfamiliar words. Whenever I encountered those words, I usually pause and find their meanings.” (Dealing with Unfamiliar Words) “I addressed the challenges in positive ways. These only urge me to love reading more.” (Context and Comprehension Challenges) “I simply love reading because I can use my imagination. When I read, I feel like I’m the main character of the story.” (Attitude towards Reading) “In reading, you will experience things you haven’t experienced yet. You choose an author and a genre first before you read. In that way your interest and love of reading will be sustained but exploring is more fun.” (Personal Book Choice) “In reading, actually you discover yourself more, especially if you read different genres of books. My journey towards reading is self-discovery.” (Realizations through Reading). The study attempts to explain the different factors involved in the love of reading. These are gaining interest and love of reading, dealing with unfamiliar words, context and comprehension challenges, attitude towards reading, personal book choice, and realizations through reading. The English enthusiasts encountered some difficulties in reading various texts, passages, and other English classics. However, their enduring interest, love, and passion for reading transcend all forms of reading complexities. In contrast, some students may lack interest and motivation in reading. They tend to be superficial readers, or they just read when they are told to do so. Reading for them is dull and boring. Thus, the English enthusiasts may share their lived reading experiences with those reluctant and passive readers, and they may become more interested and motivated to read beyond the parameters of academic requirements. 

Article information


Journal of World Englishes and Educational Practices

Volume (Issue)

3 (4)





How to Cite

Lumontad, N. S. ., Bonotan, A. ., & Argate, R. (2021). The Journey towards the Love for Reading: From the Lens of English Enthusiasts. Journal of World Englishes and Educational Practices , 3(4), 23-30.







reading, English enthusiasts, attitude, Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis