Research Article

Meta-analysis of the Effectiveness of Acupuncture Treatment in Chronic Low Back Pain


  • Aysun Özlü Lokman Hekim University, Institute of Health Sciences, Traditional and Complementary Medicine Doctorate Program, Ankara, Türkiye
  • Cemal Çevik Lokman Hekim University, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Medical Biochemistry, Ankara, Türkiye


This research aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of acupuncture treatment in chronic low back pain using meta-analysis. Of the 743 acupuncture research studies assessed on academic databases, 11 studies with 12 samples were selected. Research participants' ages, female-to-male ratios, and initial and final Visual Analog Scale (VAS) pain scores were documented. In total, 388 patients, including 208 (53.61%) female and 180 (46.39%) male patients, were subjected to acupuncture due to low back pain. Mean age was 43.45 with 30.8-57.6 range. The initial VAS score mean was 5.79, and the final VAS score mean was 3.17. VAS difference mean was -2.62 with 0.47-5.26 range. Comparison with exercise and electrical acupuncture were insignificant (p>0.05), whereas differences between control and acupuncture groups were significant (p<0.05). Spearman’s rho correlation analysis results showed that VAS difference was only significantly correlated with VAS initial (r=-0.874; p<0.01). Female frequency, male frequency and age were not significantly correlated with VAS difference (p>0.05). Generalized Linear model (Logit) analysis results showed that age (OR=-0.055; p<0.05) and VAS initial (OR=-0.767; p<0.01) had a significant effect on VAS difference in patients having low back pain and had acupuncture treatment. Acupuncture is much more effective in the treatment of nonspecific chronic low back pain for both women and men, individuals of all age groups, but especially young people. The high level of initial pain is also one of the important factors affecting the success of low back pain treatment with acupuncture.

Article information


Journal of Medical and Health Studies

Volume (Issue)

5 (4)





How to Cite

Aysun Özlü, & Cemal Çevik. (2024). Meta-analysis of the Effectiveness of Acupuncture Treatment in Chronic Low Back Pain. Journal of Medical and Health Studies, 5(4), 142-174.







Low back pain, acupuncture, age, gender