Research Article

National Health Insurance (JKN) Mobile Application Use Towards Satisfaction of Participants of the Health Social Security Implementing Agency (BPJS) in Madani Hospital in Medan City


  • Ismail Efendy Faculty of Public Health, Helvetia Institute of Health, Medan, Indonesia
  • Mappeaty Nyorong Faculty of Public Health, Helvetia Institute of Health, Medan, Indonesia
  • Asriwati Amirah Faculty of Public Health, Helvetia Institute of Health, Medan, Indonesia
  • Farida Sari Faculty of Public Health, Helvetia Institute of Health, Medan, Indonesia


The National Health Insurance (JKN) mobile is an application launched by the Social Health Insurance Administration (BPJS) to make it easier for the public to get optimal health services online. The presence of this application is expected to increase the satisfaction of BPJS health participants as users. Consumer satisfaction is a representation of service quality (service quality). Online service quality (e-SERVQUAL) serves to measure customer perceptions of the quality of online mobile application services. This study aimed to analyze the use of the JKN mobile application on the satisfaction of BPJS health participants at the Madani Hospital in Medan City 2021. This study uses a quantitative approach. This type of research is an analytic survey with a cross-sectional design. Sampling is done by using the proportion estimation formula. The research sample was 92 BPJS Health participants who visited Madani Hospital Medan with the criteria of being at least 18 years old and had downloaded and used the JKN mobile application. The data collected was then analyzed using statistical tests including univariate, bivariate and multivariate. The data analysis process uses the help of Statistical Product and Service Solutions (SPSS) software. The results showed that the use of the JKN mobile application was based on the efficiency factor with a p-value of 0.000 and χ2 calculated 30.728, the reliability factor with a p-value of 0.023 and χ2 calculated 7.188, the fulfilment factor with a p-value of 0.002 and χ2 counts 12,841, the privacy factor with a p-value value 0.004 and χ2 count 11.897 affect the satisfaction of BPJS health participants. The most dominant factor influencing the satisfaction of BPJS health participants in using the JKN mobile application is efficiency. The efficiency variable has a significant effect and has a positive relationship to satisfaction. The efficiency variable increases the possibility as much as 62.801 times. The suggestion of this research for BPJS Kesehatan should continue to innovate to develop service features to suit the era of national digital transformation. Be more active and more creative in promoting and socializing the JKN mobile application and must be able to give confidence to the public that the JKN mobile application is well protected. The Medan City Madani Hospital should be more aggressive in socializing the use of the JKN mobile application to patients who use the JKN-KIS card, especially the online queue feature. The utilization of administrative services, especially during the Covid-19 pandemic, can avoid crowds in the waiting room. BPJS health participants should download and install the JKN mobile application on mobile devices to get easy access to health services and provide services online and offline so that access to health services can be done as much as possible.

Article information


Journal of Medical and Health Studies

Volume (Issue)

3 (1)





How to Cite

Efendy, I., Nyorong, M., Amirah, A., & Sari, F. (2022). National Health Insurance (JKN) Mobile Application Use Towards Satisfaction of Participants of the Health Social Security Implementing Agency (BPJS) in Madani Hospital in Medan City. Journal of Medical and Health Studies, 3(1), 26-34.







Satisfaction, Efficiency, Reliability, Fulfillment, Privacy