Research Article

Anxiety Profile of PWD and Caregiver During COVID-19 Pandemic in ALZI Surabaya Community, Indonesia


  • Putu Astiswari Permata Kurniawan Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Airlangga, Indonesia
  • Erikavitri Yulianti Department of Psychiatry, Universitas Airlangga, Indonesia
  • Novira Widajanti Department of Internal Medicine and Geriatrics, Universitas Airlangga, Indonesia


The consequence of COVID-19 pandemic conditions in vulnerable groups such as Patients with Dementia (PWD) and their caregivers are required to be urgently addressed. This study was conducted to collect data on PWD and caregiver characteristics, also concluding the profile of anxiety during the COVID-19 pandemic in Alzi Surabaya Community. This research is an observational descriptive cross-sectional study using the Beck Anxiety Inventory and Rating Anxiety in Dementia questionnaire to apprehend the profile of anxiety in PWD and caregivers in the Alzi Surabaya Community during the COVID-19 pandemic. PWD in this community experience significant anxiety (82.35%) with symptoms such as sleep disturbance (100%) worry over trifles (92.85%), complaints of headache and body aches or pains (92.85%) also sweating, flushes or chills, tingling or numbness of extremities (42.85%) and insignificant anxiety (17.65%) with symptoms such as fatigue and tiredness (100%), worry about physical health (66.57%), irritability (66.57%), heart racing or thumping (33.33%). Caregivers of PWD in this community all experience low anxiety with symptoms such as fear of something worst happening (80%), unable to relax (65%), indigestion and dizziness or lightheadedness (55%). Intervention, in order to reduce anxiety in PWD and caregiver during and post-pandemic, is substantial as establishing a good quality of life is important for PWD to increase fulfilment in life and also important for caregivers in order to maintain quality of care.

Article information


Journal of Medical and Health Studies

Volume (Issue)

3 (1)





How to Cite

Kurniawan, P. A. P., Yulianti, E., & Widajanti, N. (2022). Anxiety Profile of PWD and Caregiver During COVID-19 Pandemic in ALZI Surabaya Community, Indonesia. Journal of Medical and Health Studies, 3(1), 01-08.







Anxiety, caregiver, dementia, mental health, COVID-19, pandemic