Research Article

Number of Bleeding, Placenta Remaining, and Episiotomy Actions on the Incidence of Puerperal Sepsis


  • Sheryl Putri Asri Program Studi Kebidanan Program Sarjana Terapan; Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Indonesia Maju, Jln.Harapan Nomor 50, Lenteng Agung-Jakarta Selatan 12610
  • Soetimah Program Studi Kebidanan Program Sarjana Terapan; Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Indonesia Maju, Jln.Harapan Nomor 50, Lenteng Agung-Jakarta Selatan 12610


It is estimated that 60% of maternal mortality resulting from gestation happened right after giving birth, and 50% of puerperium deaths happened in the first 24 hours. This research aims to know the relation between the amount of bleeding, remaining placenta, and the act of episiotomy to puerperal sepsis cases. This research uses analytical description methods with a cross-sectional approach. The population of this research was the postpartum mothers in puerperal sepsis cases in October – December 2017 at RSAB Harapan Kita Jakarta Barat counted 85 persons. The sampling method used in this research is an accidental sampling method with 32 respondents. The Instruments of this research are medical records and questionnaires with the chi-square analysis method. This research data analysis has the quality of univariate and bivariate, which means knowing about the relation between the amount of bleeding, remaining placenta, and the act of episiotomy to puerperal sepsis cases. This research shows a relation between the amount of bleeding with a p-value (0,035) and OR (7,200). There is a relation between remained placenta variable with a p-value (0,035) and OR (7,200). There is no relation in the act of episiotomy variable with p-value (0,142) and OR (3,500) to puerperal sepsis cases. The researcher suggests RSAB Harapan Kita increase the quality of their health services, mainly socialize information and give education for maternity women about various birth complications, such as bleeding and remaining placenta and sepsis puerperalis's risks.

Article information


Journal of Medical and Health Studies

Volume (Issue)

2 (2)





How to Cite

Asri, S. P., & Soetimah. (2021). Number of Bleeding, Placenta Remaining, and Episiotomy Actions on the Incidence of Puerperal Sepsis. Journal of Medical and Health Studies, 2(2), 134-138.







Episiotomy, Bleeding, Sepsis, Remained Placenta