Research Article

Community Perceptions with TB Friendly Readiness during the Covid-19 Period: Lessons Learned from Depok, West Java, Indonesia


  • Ester Tarida Ulibasa Faculty of Public Health, Universitas Indonesia, Indonesia
  • Ratu Ayu Dewi Sartika Faculty of Public Health, Universitas Indonesia, Indonesia


Tuberculosis (TB) friendly area will reduce society's stigmatization and increase adherence to treatment for TB patients. The encouragement of the surrounding environment can motivate patients to recover, and it can realize the goals of the SDGs and the Indonesian government to eliminate TB. The government's commitment is needed to build governance in developing TB-friendly areas. The study aimed to Know the community's perception of TB-friendly readiness during the COVID-19 period. The method employed was explanatory research with quantitative method; An online survey was conducted on 230 respondents from the general public from various provinces and 40 TB sufferers in the city of Depok to describe the frequency distribution of respondents' perceptions of knowledge, attitudes, behavior, prevention, and development of TB-friendly villages. The results revealed that Overall (100%) of the respondents had good knowledge about TB, but attitudes (50.9%) and behavior (41.3%) towards TB prevention were still poor. Observations showed that the occupancy of TB patients in densely populated areas still lacked ventilation and lighting. In conclusion, Depok City is not ready for human resources and organizational culture in developing TB-friendly sites. The synergy of communication, coordination, and community involvement is an essential pillar in developing TB-friendly villages. Improved communication, information, and education (IEC) for changes in people's positive attitudes and behavior towards TB prevention.

Article information


Journal of Medical and Health Studies

Volume (Issue)

2 (2)





How to Cite

Ulibasa, E. T., & Sartika, R. A. D. (2021). Community Perceptions with TB Friendly Readiness during the Covid-19 Period: Lessons Learned from Depok, West Java, Indonesia. Journal of Medical and Health Studies, 2(2), 111-117.







Tuberculosis, prevention, elimination, friendly TBC