Research Article

Health Factors Associated with Frailty Biomarkers in the Elderly


  • Jair Sindra Virtuoso Junior Research Center on Physical Activity, Health and Aging, Department of Sport Sciences, Institute of Health Sciences, Federal University of Triangulo Mineiro, Uberaba, Minas Gerais 38025-180, Brazil
  • Kelly Cristina Paiva Rosa Research Center on Physical Activity, Health and Aging, Department of Sport Sciences, Institute of Health Sciences, Federal University of Triangulo Mineiro, Uberaba, Minas Gerais 38025-180, Brazil
  • Renato Ribeiro Mendonça Research Center on Physical Activity, Health and Aging, Department of Sport Sciences, Institute of Health Sciences, Federal University of Triangulo Mineiro, Uberaba, Minas Gerais 38025-180, Brazil
  • Sheilla Tribess Research Center on Physical Activity, Health and Aging, Department of Sport Sciences, Institute of Health Sciences, Federal University of Triangulo Mineiro, Uberaba, Minas Gerais 38025-180, Brazil


Background: Few studies associate adverse health factors with frailty defined by biomarkers. Aim: To evaluate the association of adverse health factors in elderly people (controlled by age group, gender, and activity) with the combined analysis of leukocytes and brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF). Method: The study was a cross-sectional epidemiological investigation of an integral part of the ELSIU (Uberaba Elderly Health Study), consisting of a sample of 241 elderly people. The data collection involved physical performance tests, anthropometric measurements, and a questionnaire through individual interviews. Fragility was defined by the concomitant presence of BDNF serum levels ≤1888.42 mg/dL (first quartile) and a leukocyte count lower than 4, 000 mm³ or higher than 9,290 mm³. For the data analysis, descriptive statistic procedures (frequency, mean) and Poisson regression were used, p ≤ 0.05. Results: The prevalence of frailty was 8.7%, and this condition was more prevalent in elderly individuals who were hospitalized in the last three months (RP = 7.33) and among those with disability in the basic activities of daily living (BADLs) (RP = 7.64), controlled by age group, gender and the level of physical activity. Conclusion: The early identification of frailty using biomarkers associated with health factors (hospitalization and disability in BADLs) may provide early intervention for these individuals.

Article information


Journal of Medical and Health Studies

Volume (Issue)

2 (2)





How to Cite

Sindra Virtuoso Junior, J., Cristina Paiva Rosa, K. ., Ribeiro Mendonça, R., & Tribess, S. (2021). Health Factors Associated with Frailty Biomarkers in the Elderly . Journal of Medical and Health Studies, 2(2), 01-09.







Biomarkers, Frailty, Health of the Elderly, Disability, Hospitalization