Research Article

Collaborative Governance in Prevention of Village Fund Corruption Crimes in Indonesia: A Case Study in Bandung Regency West Java Province


  • Efendi Institut Pemerintahan Dalam Negeri
  • Murtir Jeddawi Institut Pemerintahan Dalam Negeri
  • Udaya Madjid Institut Pemerintahan Dalam Negeri
  • Yana Sahyana Institut Pemerintahan Dalam Negeri


The phenomenon of village fund corruption in Indonesia, including in Bandung Regency, has become a serious issue that hampers development and community welfare. Even though there have been various efforts to overcome this problem, corrupt practices still occur in the management of village funds. This research aims to analyze the collaborative governance process and the supporting and inhibiting factors of collaborative governance in preventing village fund corruption in Bandung Regency, to further formulate a collaborative governance model for preventing village fund corruption.  The research method used was descriptive qualitative, where primary and secondary research data were obtained through interviews, observation and documentation studies. The analysis techniques used through descriptive techniques include data reduction, data presentation. The research results are: 1) collaborative governance in preventing corruption in Bandung Regency involves various actors, but there is still minimal involvement from NGOs, the community and academics. Trust between actors is built through coordination, communication and information transparency. Actors' commitment is built through information disclosure and independent monitoring. Shared understanding is built in line with consensus which emphasizes the importance of dialogue to reach agreement even if there are differences in interests. Short-term achievements in preventing corruption in village funds in Bandung Regency show positive achievements in the short term; 2) Supporting factors for collaborative governance to prevent corruption in village funds, namely in the initial condition aspect which includes the active role of all related parties, in the institutional design aspect which includes coordination between institutions, in the facilitative leadership aspect which is shown by the same vision between actors which is the foundation for strong collaboration. effective in preventing corruption. Inhibiting factors, namely the initial condition aspect, include an imbalance in the quality of human resources, low public understanding and participation in preventing corruption; aspects of institutional design include ineffective communication between related parties, sectoral egos, and lack of coordination between stakeholders; the facilitative leadership aspect includes a culture of corruption, personal interests, and lack of commitment and trust between parties; 3) Researchers formulated a collaborative governance model for preventing corruption in village funds which was developed from the Ansell and Gash (2007) model with the name "Quad-helix collective prevention of corruption," which is believed to be able to improve the collaboration process optimally thereby encouraging the realization of effectiveness, efficiency and transparency. and accountability in managing village funds, because it involves many sub-actors in the quad-helix.  The novelty in the model is the need for involvement of academic actors and mass media in collaboration to prevent corruption in village funds..

Article information


Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Studies

Volume (Issue)

7 (2)





How to Cite

Efendi, Jeddawi , M. ., Madjid , U. ., & Sahyana, Y. (2025). Collaborative Governance in Prevention of Village Fund Corruption Crimes in Indonesia: A Case Study in Bandung Regency West Java Province. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Studies, 7(2), 68-86.







Collaborative Governance, , Corruption Prevention,, Village Funds