Research Article

Prevalence of Use of Social Network Sites among Adolescent Secondary School Students, Lilongwe, Malawi


  • John Kuyokwa Malawi College of Health Sciences, Private bag 396, Blantyre, Malawi; University of Malawi, Chancellor College, School of Education, Zomba, Malawi
  • Howard Bowa Blantyre International University, Private Bag 98, Blantyre, Malawi


The purpose of this study was to determine the prevalence of use of social network sites among adolescent students in secondary schools.  A cross-sectional study design was done and simple random sampling technique was used. Quantitative research methodologies were used in data generation and analysis. Data was collected in April (2019), n=59 students were involved. SPSSv26 and Excel were used in quantitative data analysis. N=59 participants involved; Females (54%) and Males (46%). Aged between 10-19 years; attending year 1 to 4 of secondary school education.  Gadgets used for social networking were smartphones (88%), personal computers (8%) and iPads (4%). The social network sites that were used were Facebook, YouTube, LinkedIn, Twitter and WhatsApp. The study further observed that some students are bullied on social media platforms. The purpose for use of these social network sites was for the following reasons; entertainment (45%), keep in contact with old friends (39%), make new friends (10%) and academic purposes (9%). Adolescents are using social network sites in secondary schools. If the use of social media platforms can be well utilized, it may result in improved education among learners in low income settings like Malawi.

Article information


Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Studies

Volume (Issue)

2 (6)





How to Cite

Kuyokwa, J. ., & Bowa, H. . (2020). Prevalence of Use of Social Network Sites among Adolescent Secondary School Students, Lilongwe, Malawi. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Studies, 2(6), 55-63.







Prevalence, social network sites, adolescents, secondary school, Malawi