Article contents
Analysis of Emotional Intelligence in the Context of University Students
Given the teacher’s pivotal role in providing next generation professional, it is also not undeniable that teaching is a profession of high occupational stress. Literature revealed that teachers with high emotional intelligence undermined work-related challenges, and the same goes for the students. Thus, this study measures the emotional intelligence (EI) of the students (pre-service education teachers). Findings suggest that students have high emotional intelligence. Based on these results, academic institutions must focus on developing programs that enable the emotional intelligence of the students. Moreover, this study confirmed the predictive importance of EI to academic achievements. In fact, literature pointed out that a person with a high EI tends to become more productive. Hence, EI programs must be included in the curriculum. The future research agenda includes possible consideration of the mediating factors that affect the emotional intelligence of the students.
Article information
Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Studies
Volume (Issue)
6 (9)
Open access

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