Research Article

Influence of Political Leaders in Five Countries on Climate Diplomacy via Twitter


  • Baodi Zhu Hainan University, Haikou 570228, China
  • Siyuan Pan University of International Business and Economy, Beijing 100105, China


Climate diplomacy is one of the hot topics in recent years that the world has paid extensive attention to. It goes beyond the traditional regional environmental issues; the worldwide impact of climate change makes international cooperation in this area more and more close. In order to explore the influence of political leaders on climate diplomacy and the reasons for their influence, this paper selects five countries with large differences in national conditions. And these countries will have a significant impact on international climate diplomacy in 2023. They are the United States, France, Brazil, Japan, and Senegal. This study quantitatively examines the data content analysis of climate-related tweets posted by political leaders from five countries on Twitter in 2023 and their social network influence through social network analysis and other quantitative studies to explore the influence of political leaders from five countries on international climate diplomacy. Finally, the conclusion is that the online power and influence of political leaders in each country do not exist independently but are closely linked to the real power of each country.

Article information


Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Studies

Volume (Issue)

6 (8)





How to Cite

Zhu, B., & Pan, S. (2024). Influence of Political Leaders in Five Countries on Climate Diplomacy via Twitter. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Studies, 6(8), 09–15.



Climate politics, social network analytics (SNA), political leaders, Twitter