Research Article

The Motivator to Students’ Entrepreneurship Intention: the Existence of University Incubated Entrepreneurs


  • YUEJUN CAI Bachelor student, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong, China
  • Jessica Zhang Bachelor student, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong, China


Along with more and more emphasis on the importance and benefits of entrepreneurship to the society and an increasing number of various programs offered in the university to edify students about entrepreneurship and cultivate the entrepreneurial spirit in the campus, fewer previous researchers are studying about the optimization of the currently allocated resources. This study aims at exploring the importance and other utility of university incubated entrepreneurs as the motivation factor to entrepreneurship intention among university students. With the convenience sampling method of the questionnaire, the study has collected 165 valid response mainly from a university’s students in Hong Kong in this pilot test. The analysis results indicated that there is a relatively strong relationship between the existence of incubated entrepreneurs at the campus and entrepreneurship intention among university students yet the perception of attainment to entrepreneurship cannot moderate such relationship and the desirability of entrepreneurship can partly mediate this relationship. The research result points out the feasibility of promoting the university incubated entrepreneurs as a role model to university students, and the importance of pragmatic resources for designing the entrepreneurial education and programs in the future.

Article information


Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Studies

Volume (Issue)

2 (6)





How to Cite

CAI, Y., & Zhang , J. . (2020). The Motivator to Students’ Entrepreneurship Intention: the Existence of University Incubated Entrepreneurs. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Studies, 2(6), 127-138.



