Research Article

Governance of Super Maximum Security Prison Karang Anyar Nusa Kambangan Indonesia in Realizing the Correctional Revitalization Program


  • Naniek Pangestuti Politecnic of Correctional Science, Indonesia


The correctional system has undergone changes due to the emergence of the Minister of Law and Human Rights regarding the implementation of correctional revitalization which provides classification of prisons which has an impact on the existence of prisons with categories for placing high risk prisoners. One of them is the Super Maximum Security (SMAX) Class IIA Karang Anyar Nusakambangan Prison for placement of high classification prisoners. This has an impact on the problem of not being able to grant conditional rights to prisoners who do not reduce their risk of crime until they have finished serving their sentence. The aim of the research is to analyze the governance of the SMAX Class IIA Karang Anyar Penitentiary in realizing a correctional revitalization program to improve training for high risk prisoners. The research method uses descriptive qualitative research with informants from prison officers and high-risk prisoners in prison. The results of the analysis show that prison management with a revitalization program has an impact on limiting the granting of conditional rights, there is no maximum guidance carried out by the prison, guidance for high risk prisoners must involve other parties such as the National Counterterrorism Agency, the National Narcotics Agency, the Corruption Eradication Agency, and other parties who have an interest in it. Thus, it is necessary to provide appropriate guidance for high-risk prisoners to be able to change their behavior and obtain their conditional rights. Providing this guidance by applying the principles of planning, organizing, regulating and strictly monitoring during the process of changing behavior and coaching prisoners.

Article information


Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Studies

Volume (Issue)

6 (4)





How to Cite

Pangestuti, N. (2024). Governance of Super Maximum Security Prison Karang Anyar Nusa Kambangan Indonesia in Realizing the Correctional Revitalization Program. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Studies, 6(4), 56-66.







conditional rights, classification, Revitalization, super maximum security prison