Research Article

Sexual Violence as a True Weapon of Male Dominance and Control: A Review of the Literature


  • Lina Aissa Ph.D Student, Faculty of Languages, Letters, and Arts, Ibn Tofail University, Kenitra Morocco
  • Mourad Mkinsi Professor in Literary and Cultural Studies, Faculty of Languages, Letters, and Arts, Department of English Studies, Ibn Tofail University, Kenitra Morocco


This research critically examines factors responsible for S.V.A.W (Sexual violence against women), drawing on a range of theoretical perspectives and empirical studies. It explores the role of the patriarchal structure of society, traditional gender roles and expectations, and societal changes in the prevalence of the sexual victimisation of women. Additionally, it addresses the emergence of feminist movements in the Moroccan context and its influence on societal attitudes towards gender equality and women’s rights, specifically in terms of S.V. Further, through an extensive review of the literature, it examines the implications of S.V.A.W and a functionalist attitude towards them on heterosexual relationships, women’s experiences of the feminine body, and their access to the public space. S.V.A.W is presented as the result of the convergence of individual/psychological factors and social factors, namely traditional gender roles and expectations, patriarchal ideologies, and gendered power relations, perpetuating systemic inequalities between men and women. In this review, we visit issues of consent, miscommunication of sexual intent, and token resistance. Moreover, we highlight critical findings and implications for research, practice, and policy, and note directions for future research.

Article information


Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Studies

Volume (Issue)

6 (4)





How to Cite

Aissa, L., & Mkinsi, M. (2024). Sexual Violence as a True Weapon of Male Dominance and Control: A Review of the Literature. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Studies, 6(4), 67-78.







sexual violence, Sexual harassment, Rape, Gatekeeping, Miscommunication theory, Consent, Token resistance, Self-monitoring