Research Article

Evaluation of Inclusive Education Programs in Kindergartens Stage in Light of Global Ethical Standards: The Perspective of Parents of Students with Disabilities


  • Heba Hassouneh German Jordanian university, Amman, Jordan
  • Sabah Al Unaizat World Islamic Sciences and Education University, Amman, Jordan


This Study aimed to assess inclusion education programs in the kindergarten stage in Jordan, focusing on global ethical standards from the perspective of parents of students with disabilities. The sample consisted of families with 66 disabled children enrolled in government or private kindergartens in Amman. To achieve this, the researchers developed a questionnaire evaluating the application of global ethical standards by integrated kindergarten teachers. The questionnaire comprised 27 indicators distributed across two dimensions: ethical standards related to the teacher's relationship with the disabled child and ethical standards related to the teacher's relationship with the family of the disabled child. The results indicated a high level of adherence to global ethical standards in integrated kindergarten education programs, with no statistically significant differences attributed to the type of kindergarten (government/private). The statistical analysis revealed elevated ratings for the ethical standards related to the teacher child relationship, except for the item "possesses classroom management skills in controlling and adjusting the behavior of disabled children," which received a moderate rating. Descriptive statistics for the ethical standards related to the teacher's relationship with the families of disabled children showed high levels overall, except for two items: "assists families in building family support networks with other families and benefits from them in developing their children's education process" and "has sufficient information about family support institutions, associations, and organizations providing assistance and facilities for families of disabled individuals and guides them to these resources," both rated at a moderate level.

Article information


Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Studies

Volume (Issue)

6 (1)





How to Cite

Hassouneh, H., & Al Unaizat, S. (2024). Evaluation of Inclusive Education Programs in Kindergartens Stage in Light of Global Ethical Standards: The Perspective of Parents of Students with Disabilities. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Studies, 6(1), 30-39.







kindergarten, Inclusion, Ethical Standers