Research Article

Criminal Consequences of Unsustainable Food Systems: Ethical Issues and Future Prospects


  • Hanan Al-Daher Assistant Professor, Comparative Law Department, The World Islamic Sciences & Education University (W.I.S.E), Amman, Jordan


A major worldwide issue, criminal aspects of unsustainable agricultural systems pose serious concerns to environmental stability, biodiversity, and food security. The necessity to address environmental harm from a legal and regulatory perspective is highlighted in this survey of the literature from a variety of disciplines that looks at the connections between criminal activity and unsustainable practices in the food business. The analysis delves into foundational works that stress the need for more study on the criminal elements of unsustainable food production, distribution, and consumption. By highlighting the importance of ecological justice and sustainability in regulatory responses, green cultural criminology provides a framework for understanding how environmental harms are criminalized or disregarded within legal systems. According to the study, food fraud is a major problem in the food industry since it uses dangerous or low-quality substances to trick customers. The accidental encouragement of biodiversity loss and ecological disturbance is further highlighted by the connection of illegal wildlife trading with the food business. Age-related environmental crimes such as pesticide abuse, water pollution, and land degradation are major contributors to global environmental deterioration. Context-specific research is essential to address regional issues, but few studies have examined the criminal consequences of unsustainable agriculture systems in Jordan. Increase food supply chain transparency, promote multidisciplinary collaboration, and strengthen regulatory frameworks and enforcement. Ecologically conscientious and secure food systems include fighting food sector corruption, promoting sustainable farming, and raising awareness. To promote environmental stewardship and resilience, it is crucial to identify and address the criminal components of unsustainable food systems. Promoting sustainability, protecting the environment, and guaranteeing global food security all need cooperation between academics, politicians, and stakeholders. Collective action is needed to pave the road toward greener and more secure communities, and establishing sustainable food systems is a crucial first step.

Article information


Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Studies

Volume (Issue)

5 (12)





How to Cite

Al-Daher, H. (2023). Criminal Consequences of Unsustainable Food Systems: Ethical Issues and Future Prospects. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Studies, 5(12), 122-129.







Criminal Aspects, Criminal Wildlife Trafficking, Agricultural Crimes, Regulatory Remedies, Ecological Justice