Research Article

Reversing Control Over Digital Public Sphere Through the Hashtag #BlokirKominfo


  • Agustina Erry Ratna Dewi Student, Communication Science Master's Study Program, Bunda Mulia University, Tangerang and Indonesia
  • Muhamad Isnaini Lecturer, Communication Science Master's Study Program, Bunda Mulia University, Tangerang and Indonesia


The hashtag #BlokirKominfo promotes discussions within the public sphere, particularly on Twitter, as a digital activism movement advocating for the blocking of various digital platforms, websites, and online platforms due to their failure to register with PSE. This study examines interactions among individuals from three accounts, specifically @secgron, @teamsecret, and @renjiro_Junichi, thereby shaping a digital public sphere. These individuals contribute a wide range of viewpoints and arguments to the public arena, fostering discussions and debates that align with the principles of deliberative democracy. Through virtual ethnographic methods, this research reveals that interactions take the form of public opinions, critiques, protests, and calls for an end to arbitrary actions. These interactions encourage resistance from digital activists, internet users, and even legal advocates, all seeking the revocation of the Ministry of Communication and Information Policy Number 5 of 2020. This policy is criticized for negatively impacting the economic livelihood of freelance workers, infringing upon the freedom of expression for content creators, and the E-sports community. Ironically, Kominfo has yet to block online gambling sites that are causing public disturbances. The interactions among individuals reflect communicative actions, as netizens simultaneously employ Twitter to exchange information, share their opinions, convey ideas about internet restrictions, and coordinate protests and campaigns. Social media, as a platform for digital activism, encourages more people to participate in the #BlokirKominfo hashtag movement.

Article information


Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Studies

Volume (Issue)

5 (10)





How to Cite

Agustina Erry Ratna Dewi, & Muhamad Isnaini. (2023). Reversing Control Over Digital Public Sphere Through the Hashtag #BlokirKominfo . Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Studies, 5(10), 102-113.



