Research Article

Comparative Analysis of Climate Justice Framework in USA, UK, Japan, China, Germany and France


  • AMULYA NIGAM Research Scholar, Institute of Law, Nirma University, Ahmedabad, India
  • Madhuri Parikh Dean & Director, Institute of Law, Nirma University, Ahmedabad, India


Climate injustice is a global problem which persists everywhere, and it does not differentiate. The issue of climate justice has gained significant attention in recent years, as the consequences of climate change disproportionately affect vulnerable populations. Despite numerous steps taken by the Government in different countries, the problem of climate change still persists. Legal Frameworks and other factors are trying to mitigate its impacts and prevent further harm, such as implementing policies to reduce emissions and promote renewable energy over the years; the full gravity of the situation has yet to be fully realized and prepared for. However, all hope is not lost. Many countries have adopted a structured legal framework for climate justice to tackle the threat of climate change and mitigate its effects to a large extent, with some countries aiming for greenhouse-gas neutrality shortly through achievable climate milestones, including the countries of the USA, UK, Japan, China, Germany and France. This article analyses the Climate Justice framework in the USA, UK, Japan, China, Germany and France. The purpose of this article is to provide a comparative study of the legal framework which exists in the USA, UK, Japan, China, Germany and France. It also analyses the best practices and legal challenges with their existing legal framework. The research paper open up with an overview on Climate Justice, Climate Justice legal framework in the USA, UK, Japan, China, Germany and France-basically, the legal and policy framework is mentioned, as Climate Justice initiatives and action taken in the respective country and the legal challenges the respective countries faced and the climate milestone that they have achieved are analysed and are based on:

  • Differences in measures adopted by these countries
  • The approach chosen to achieve climate milestone
  • The best climate justice practise that each system creates.

The level of impact and legal challenges faced by each system

Article information


Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Studies

Volume (Issue)

5 (9)





How to Cite

NIGAM, A., & Parikh, M. (2023). Comparative Analysis of Climate Justice Framework in USA, UK, Japan, China, Germany and France. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Studies, 5(9), 41-53.







Climate change, Climate Justice, Legal framework, USA, China, Germany, UK, Japan, France