Research Article

Public Transport Services of Minibus between Cotonou and Porto – Novo in Benin


  • HOUINSOU Tognidè Auguste Maître de Conférences, Université d’Abomey-Calavi (UAC), Faculté des Sciences Humaines et Sociales (FASHS), Département de Géographie et Aménagement du Territoire (DGAT), Laboratoire d’Aménagement du Territoire, d’Environnement et du Développement Durable (LATEDD)


African cities, including Cotonou and Porto-Novo, have experienced an increase in their populations over the past four decades due to migration on the one hand and the services offered by the latter on the other. This requires mass transport for the mobility of urban populations and those on the outskirts of these cities. This research contributes to a better understanding of the risks to which the passengers of public transport provided by minibuses between Cotonou and Porto-Novo are exposed. The methodological approach used is based on documentary research, data collection in the field, data processing and analysis of results. The collection tools used are the observation grid, the questionnaire and the interview guide with 148 people and 21 municipal authorities. SPSS 2.1 was used for statistical data processing. The Excel 2013 spreadsheet, Word 2013 and QGIS software were respectively used for word processing, the creation of graphs and tables and then various maps. The analysis of the results shows that the socio-professional class of minibus public transport passengers between Cotonou and Porto-Novo is made up of workers 33% of the respondents; sellers and resellers of finished products, food (43%); students/pupils (11%) and others (13%) of those questioned. The purchasing power of this target remains weak, which does not allow it to use other means of public transport, which cost more than three times the minibus fare according to this one. Public transport by minibus is, therefore, the preferred method for low-class passengers. In addition, the results of this research reveal four main risks, which are: contamination of communicable diseases, including COVID-19, according to 23% of those questioned; the fall of apprentices or even users/passengers/customers for 24% of respondents; road traffic accidents (47%) and injuries related to discomfort in the seats of minibuses to which 6% of the passengers surveyed referred. Taking into account these risks and the weaknesses identified by this research will improve mass transport services by minibus between Cotonou and Porto-Novo.

Article information


Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Studies

Volume (Issue)

5 (7)





How to Cite

Auguste, H. T. (2023). Public Transport Services of Minibus between Cotonou and Porto – Novo in Benin. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Studies, 5(7), 14-28.







Cotonou, Porto– Novo, public transport services, high-risk mobility