Article contents
Women’s Work and its limitations in Islam
This article focuses on women’s work and its Islamic limitations knowing that the principle in Islam is that the woman resides in the house, and her leaving it is a license and an exception, as mentioned in the Holy Quran: {And stay in your homes...} [Al-Ahzab: 33]. Then some texts excluded the permission for the woman to go out when there is a need, except that it is not a general exit, rather the Sharia has set conditions, controls and limits for it. One of these needs is working in the public fields. This paper will try to highlight the legal controls for women leaving the house in general and for work in particular, so that it shows what women must adhere to and observe before leaving for work and the manner in which they should go out with the legal veil. The paper also touches on some controls related to the nature of work, and the most important results that One of the most important findings of the research is that Islam did not prevent women from practicing the profession of work, but at the same time it did not leave them neglected, but rather set controls for them that they should observe, just as the husband and whoever has responsibility for the woman, whether she is a daughter or a sister, should undertake her with advice and guidance And a reminder of responsibility, such as taking care of the affairs of her home and raising her children well, with the aim of reconciling home duties with work duties, and not neglecting one side at the expense of another if she is able to do so. The research relied on the inductive approach in collecting scientific material from heritage books, tracking opinions and evidence on the subject, and then using the analytical approach on the subject.
Article information
Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Studies
Volume (Issue)
5 (2)
Open access

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