Research Article

Rules of Takfir with the Ahl-Sunnah wal-Jama’ah


  • Abdul Razzaq Basharzai Instructor of Creed, Religions and Contemporary Doctrines, Department of jurisprudence and creed, Faculty of Islamic Sciences, University of Education, Kabul, Afghanistan


Ahl alsunnat wal Jamaat (ASWJ), generally, is referred to people who believe in the deeds of the first three Kholafai Rashidin, while in particular, Ahle sunnat is referred to the ones who accept the almighty Allah’s Names and epithets without any amendments. Ahle sunnat are the pure followers of Prophet Mohammad PBUH and are good followers of the Sahabas and their deeds. Ahle Sunnat followers are large in terms of number and out of which the forefronts of the four sects and the authors of six major books of hadith. According to Ahle sunnet wal Jamaat, the (takfir) is divided into two types one is Mutlaq takfir, and the other is takfir, a certain person. The first one is blaming someone or some idea of takfir, which is also considered as takfir in the Islamic sharia and is in coordination with it that of the Ahle sunnat, but in reality, the doer, the one saying it, or the performerof the things is not considered a disbeliever. The second is a certain type of takfir. Ahle sunnat doesn’t blame anyone on takfir unless all the conditions of takfir are met because blaming someone as a kafir is a big deal and a dangerous task; therefore, it is necessary to be extremely cautious and considerate. Allowing the killing of a Muslim person is a wrong deed. In fact, letting one thousand disbelievers free is not as big of a sin as killing one Muslim without clear justification. As the Ahl sunnat wal jamaat are considerate, careful, and moderate people in all deeds, therefore their blaming of others as disbelievers are also very cautious and are considered the moderate ones among the khawarej, moatazel the murjia.

Article information


Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Studies

Volume (Issue)

5 (1)





How to Cite

Basharzai, A. R. (2023). Rules of Takfir with the Ahl-Sunnah wal-Jama’ah. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Studies, 5(1), 26-34.







Rules of Takfir; Ahl-Sunnah wal-Jama’ah; Kholafai Rashidin