Research Article

Effect of Skill Related Training on Skill Performance among Volleyball Players


  • S.SATHISH KUMAR Assistant Professor, Y.M.C.A College of Physical Education and Sports, Nandanam, Chennai, India
  • G.Vinod KUMAR Professor, Department of Physical Education and Sports, Pondicherry University, Puducherry, India


Initially called 'Mintonette', the sport of volleyball was designed in 1895 by William G Morgan, in Holyoke, Massachusetts at a YMCA. The modern volleyball is highly specialized in almost all the major skills of volleyball. It is a sport for young and old for men and women. The character of volleyball is altogether not quite the same as that of different games discipline. In order to find the effect of skill related training on skill performance among volleyball players. To find the skill performance the study is being framed. Total 40 students from YMCA College of physical education and Nandanam Arts and Science College, Chennai, has taken as samples for the study and 12 weeks of training have given for 5 days a week. With the help of various literatures for Skill related training the training is being framed. For Skill related variables the following Test were conducted- Russel Lange Volleyball Test for Serving Ability, Brady Volleyball Test for attacking ability, Helman Volleyball (forearm) Test for forearm/dig passing and Helman Volleyball (Face pass/overhead pass) Test. To compare the skill related performance of volleyball player’s independent t-test will be employed. The significance level will be set as p<0.05. For Experimental Design the static group comparison design was used for the study. To compare the selected skill related variables ANCOVA is being used at the significant level of 0.05. It is concluded that the effect of skill related training for volleyball players has improved the Attacking ability, serving ability, Forearm and Overhead passing ability significantly. It is concluded that the Experimental group was significantly improved than the control group.

Article information


Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Studies

Volume (Issue)

2 (5)





How to Cite

KUMAR, S. ., & KUMAR, G. . (2020). Effect of Skill Related Training on Skill Performance among Volleyball Players. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Studies, 2(5), 1-05.







Skill performance, Attacking, Serving, Forearm and Underarm Passing Ability