Article contents
The Implementation of Multigrade Policy in Probolinggo Regency: Challenges and Program Sustainability
Multigrade is one alternative solution to solve education problems caused by the lack of teachers, unequal distribution of teachers, and lack of students in every learning group. These problems need a particular policy regulated by the government because education is right for every citizen. This research explored the overview of program success, challenges, and the potency of multigrade sustainability. The research methodology employed was descriptive qualitative, which was collected through observation, interview, and documentation. The result is analyzed, interpreted, and verified. A case study approach was conducted considering the multigrade policy is only applied in certain areas with particular conditions. Research is organized in Probolinggo Regency, East Java. Research revealed multigrade policy is appraised properly to resolve the teacher shortage problem and a minimum number of students in each study group. However, there are still big challenges to the sustainability of multigrade policy. As a result, multigrade programs can not be applied systematically in other regencies which have similar problems.
Article information
Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Studies
Volume (Issue)
4 (4)
Copyright (c) 2022 Vita Novianti, Dafik, Dina suryawati, Supranoto
Open access

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