Research Article

Municipal Chief Manager in the Iraqi Legislation


  • Hanan Sabbar Hilal Al Ameri College of Law, University of Babylon, Iraq
  • Rafah Karim Karbel College of Law, University of Babylon, Iraq


The idea of ​​this research started from the great importance of the issue of the municipality chief manager in Iraqi legislation. It is one of the important topics in the Iraqi administrative system and the municipality as a form of administrative decentralization and a legal person. There is no doubt that the municipal chief manager performs his executive duties according to the law, and he differs in his work from the municipal council as it is an executive body that deals directly with the citizen. It needs a number of deputies to advance the service reality due to the increase in the population. Then we exposed his power, and it was found that he exercises administrative, legal, financial, and technical powers that help him in implementing them by employees, but he needs to grant other authorities, including appointment, for the purpose of addressing the shortage of staff to perform services, especially after transferring power to the provinces and in order to present an integrated picture of the municipal chief manager in Iraqi legislation. We adopted the analytical approach, with a statement of the position of jurisprudence regarding the appointment of the municipal chief manager and the position of the judiciary regarding providing protection in the event of an attack on the director.

Article information


Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Studies

Volume (Issue)

4 (2)





How to Cite

Al Ameri, H. S. H., & Karbel, R. K. (2022). Municipal Chief Manager in the Iraqi Legislation. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Studies, 4(2), 84-89.







Municipal Chief Manager; Iraqi Legislation; administrative decentralization; jurisprudence