Research Article

Rejection of the claim of Hashw in the Holy Quran


  • Sayed Mohammad Hasan Khalili Sharia Faculty, Takhar University, Afghanistan
  • Burhaniddin Qanet Sharia Faculty, Takhar University, Afghanistan


The Holy Quran is a miraculous and irresistible book and it is a solid word with a strong and solid structure in which the literary industry can be understood with full clarity. One of the most important aspects of the expressive miracle of the Qur'an is the accuracy in using the words and secrets hidden in the reason for choosing each of its letters and words. Accordingly, the Holy Qur'an is free from all defects and shortcomings, such as: "ugly and mediocre obscenity", which in rhetoric is referred to as "condemned obscenity". However, in some Qur'anic verses and phrases, we see the useless repetition of the contents of the previous contents and what is apparently reprehensible, the main purpose of this study is to examine the dimensions and aspects of this group of Qur'anic verses in clear It is an expression and explanation that has been quoted from the great commentators. In this research, an attempt has been made to explain the semantic position of this group of non-verbal repetitions according to their theories and views (commentators). The reader should note that the spiritual repetition that has occurred in some verses includes rhetorical benefits such as emphasis, reproduction, and exaggeration, which are considered as literary arrays and give beauty and glory to speech.

Article information


Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Studies

Volume (Issue)

4 (2)





How to Cite

Khalili, S. M. H., & Qanet, B. (2022). Rejection of the claim of Hashw in the Holy Quran. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Studies, 4(2), 23-28.







Literary Interpretation, Spiritual Repetition, Condemnation, Vocabulary, Quran