Article contents
Implementation of Village Governance Based on the Principles of Good Governance of Public Service in Indonesia
Implementation of Village Government Governance based on Good Governance Principles in Indonesia. A village government is a government carried out by village officials who head a village. In realizing good and responsible governance, it is inseparable from the community's participation to support the implementation of the desired government. In the community, there is enormous potential and resources, if used properly, will make a real contribution to the progress of the community and the village. Various experiences show that governance and development without involving public participation will face serious problems. Therefore, government factors must realize that the community should be involved in every stage of the process of government and development programs. The community is a stakeholder that should not be ignored because they have a strategic role and potential for government and village development continuity.
Article information
Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Studies
Volume (Issue)
4 (1)
Open access

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