Research Article

Interior Design Production Plan Simulation Modeling with Dynamics System: A Case Study of PT. Panutan Sejati


  • Atman Riyanto Universitas Mercu Buana, Jakarta, Indonesia
  • Sugeng Santoso Universitas Mercu Buana, Jakarta, Indonesia


This research was to make interior design production planning more controlled and optimal. The simulation method was considered able to represent the dynamic form of the system and can find scenarios to solve the problems at PT Panutan Sejati. The qualitative research was at PT. Panutan Sejati models located at the Workshop: Jl. Kartini Health Center No. 113 Kalisari, East Jakarta from June to September 2021. The results showed that from the modeling designed based on existing conditions, in the design production planning at PT Panutan Sejati, the factors influencing production planning were: market demand and the production process. While the factors that affected profit were production costs, labor resource costs, overhead costs, commercial costs, and net revenue. It was necessary for improving the proposed system improvement to create and implement scenarios to fulfill effective and efficient production planning to get increased profits. The scenarios included adding workers and creating a design division. The scenario that gave optimal results in increasing profit was scenario 1. This scenario changed the parameter value of the workforce. Based on changes in labor parameters as a variable in the model, if the percentage of labor was set to 45%, then production costs would decrease every year. It was predicted to reach 21.40% and an increase in profit by 13%, with an average decrease in production costs until 2026.

Article information


Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Studies

Volume (Issue)

4 (1)





How to Cite

Riyanto, A., & Santoso, S. (2022). Interior Design Production Plan Simulation Modeling with Dynamics System: A Case Study of PT. Panutan Sejati. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Studies, 4(1), 77-88.







Simulation Modelling, Production Planning, Interior Design, Dynamic Systems