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Schools Strategies in Countering Religious Radicalism in Post-Conflict Community in Poso Regency Central Sulawesi, Indonesia
Schools in an area of conflict often experience traumatic memories regarding radicalism and terrorism. Besides having to develop student's talents and interests, schools are also required to take an important role in conflict resolution. Poso regency is an Indonesian territory that has a long history of conflict. After the social conflict that was accompanied by armed violence, Poso was designated as a red area of terrorism in Indonesia. This study aims to find schools strategies in countering radicalism through multicultural-based peace activities in implementing Islamic religious education in schools. This study used qualitative research methods with a multi-site study design. This study found that schools apply Islamic religious education in schools in a multicultural frame based on religious values, nationalism, and local wisdom. In practice, students play active roles in interfaith social action and humanitarian charity activities. Among them, there are peace ambassadors to elementary schools in building inter-religious peace in Poso schools and communities. Apart from that, they also keep each other safe and regulate traffic during the celebration of religious holidays. This effort was made to prevent the entry of radicalism into schools after the Poso conflict.