Research Article

Implementation of Geographic Information System Base On Google Maps API to Determine Bidikmisi Scholarship Recipient Distribution in Central Sulawesi Indonesia


  • Nurdin Nurdin Faculty of Islamic Economic and Business, Universitas Islam Negeri Palu, Indonesia
  • Sagaf S. Pettalongi Faculty of Islamic Teacher Training and Education Universitas Islam Negeri Palu, Indonesia
  • Mansur Mangasing Faculty of Islamic Philosophy, Humanities, and Communication, Universitas Islam Negeri Palu, Indonesia


The presence of information technology in web-based digital mapping, especially using the Google API, has helped various parties make decisions regarding mapping to find out the distribution of various objects. Bidikmisi scholarship recipients are a group of university students who receive fundings Indonesian government every year. They come from various regions and economic backgrounds. However, the distribution of origin of students receiving the Bidikmisi scholarships has never been investigated accurately. As a result, information related to the geographical distribution of Bidikmisi scholarship recipients, both from an economic point of view and the quality of their education, has not yet been mapped. This study, therefore, developed a geographic information system (GIS) application based on google API to map the distribution of students receiving Bidikmisi scholarship based on region and economic geography. Data were gathered through surveys and interviews with experts and stakeholders from the State Islamic University of Datokarama Palu, Indonesia, to obtain information regarding the GIS design and also the criteria for Bidikmisi scholarship recipients. The results of the study show that 305 students received the scholarship from twelve regencies in Central Sulawesi, Indonesia. The origins of the students were successfully mapped throughout the province. Our study helped universities, especially in the field of student affairs and the Quality Assurance Department, to monitor the distribution of Bidikmisi scholarship recipients. Our study can be used as a reference in making quick and accurate decisions in future scholarship distribution.

Article information


Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Studies

Volume (Issue)

3 (12)





How to Cite

Nurdin, N., Pettalongi, S. S., & Mangasing, M. (2021). Implementation of Geographic Information System Base On Google Maps API to Determine Bidikmisi Scholarship Recipient Distribution in Central Sulawesi Indonesia. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Studies, 3(12), 38-53.







Geographic Information Systems, Bidikmisi Scholarship, Mapping students, University, Indonesia