Research Article

Early Life Leadership Dimensions of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman: An Exceptional Political Leadership Model


  • Sharmin Akhtar Associate Professor, Department of History, University of Dhaka, Dhaka, Bangladesh; Ph.D Fellow, Department of Southeast Asian Studies, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
  • M SHAHIDUL ISLAM KHONDAKER Postgraduate Researcher, Department of History, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia


Sheikh Mujibur Rahman was an unparallel political leader of Bangladesh who gained leadership qualities from the early days of life. He is popularly known as Bangabandhu and was a great philanthropist. Mujib was the unique political personality and the creator or father of the nation of Bangladesh. His 'Historic 7 March Speech' of 1971 now is the documentary heritage in the Memory of the World Register of UNESCO-United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization. By his captivating leadership, the people of Bangladesh snatched the country's independence. Sheikh Mujibur Rahman captured the ideals of life, education and learning of the love and sympathy to the people, communal harmony, securing the right of the 'have not' people since his boyhood. These leadership traits made Sheikh Mujibur Rahman an exception character ever since his early days, and peoples are knowledgeable about his trademarked political career and venerated his artisanship in crafting Bangladesh. However, the concept of childhood leadership that Mujib belonged merely came to light. This article aims to examine the significant small events of domestic surroundings, dynastic background and family education, schooling, right-based activities, and the gradual involvement in the country's politics of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman. These fundamental elements translated into charismatic and democratic political leadership and made him a tremendous humanitarian personality. As a method, analyzing the archival resources and related published literature as books and journal articles, this study has crafted a vivid picture of an unsophisticated but the foundation of moral learning of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman from early life. The significant result of this study is that it would present an exceptional model of political leadership and fulfil the gap about the information over his early life leadership. Most importantly, the outcome will provide the leadership capability to achieve goals personally set by the Mujib through his distinguishing attributes and response to the social and environmental situation during early life that would contribute to the discourse of political leadership studies.

Article information


Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Studies

Volume (Issue)

3 (5)





How to Cite

Akhtar, S., & KHONDAKER, M. S. I. (2021). Early Life Leadership Dimensions of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman: An Exceptional Political Leadership Model. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Studies, 3(5), 01-09.







Childhood leadership, Mujib, leadership model, humanitarian, simplicity