Research Article

Designing Online English Grammar Exercises 10th Graders via Learning Management System Chamilo


  • Thi Hong Minh Nguyen Faculty of Foreign Languages Education, Thai Nguyen University of Education, Viet Nam
  • Truong Thuy Linh Faculty of Foreign Languages Education, Thai Nguyen University of Education, Viet Nam


The integration and application of Information Communication Technology in language teaching has become more and more prevalent in the era of 4.0, which has brought about a lot of significant influences on students’ language learning. However, having a self-led online tool which is appropriate to one’s students’ backgrounds and is free and open-access in a school in a mountainous area in a developing country like Vietnam has not yet been so popular. In the present study, for the purpose of enhancing students’ learning, online grammar exercises for 10th graders at Thai Nguyen High School, Thai Nguyen province, Vietnam, were designed in a learning management system called Chamilo. The study investigated the benefits of the platform towards students’ grammar learning achievements by identifying the changes in students’ scores as well as sought evaluative feedback from teachers and students as the users of the tool. The research instruments included a grammar test in the pre-intervention and after-intervention combined with two questionnaires for eight teachers and twenty students at grade 10 and interviews with the focus group of 5 students.  The findings suggested a remarkable improvement in students’ post-test score and a significant relationship between the practice of online exercises and students’ grammar results. Furthermore, positive responses from the teachers and students on such use of the platform indicated that Chamilo could be used as learning tools to enhance students’ grammar learning.

Article information


Journal of English Language Teaching and Applied Linguistics

Volume (Issue)

3 (5)





How to Cite

Nguyen, T. H. M., & Linh, T. T. . (2021). Designing Online English Grammar Exercises 10th Graders via Learning Management System Chamilo . Journal of English Language Teaching and Applied Linguistics , 3(5), 55-63.







Learning management system, Chamilo, online grammar exercises, English grammar learning, online learning