
JELTAL moves to Continuous Publishing Model


Beginning January 2022 the Journal of English Language Teaching and Applied Linguistics has decided to adopt a Continuous Publishing Model for publication. Articles are published in the current issue as soon as they are peer-reviewed, accepted, copyedited, and proofread, allowing a steady stream of informative quality articles. The journal then archives the articles within 4 issues: January-March; April-June- July-September; October-December Publishing on a just-in-time basis allows authors to present their results in a timely fashion, and our readers, students, and colleagues to access our content and cite articles more quickly and free from the restrictions of a predefined timetable. As a result of these changes, the look and style, as well as the function, of the Journal will be different, and hopefully improved. In the continuous publication, articles may be submitted at any time. They still undergo the same process of peer review and preparation, but this can begin right away and ends as soon as the article is ready.