Latest Issue

Vol. 4 No. 3: Journal of Economics, Finance and Accounting Studies

(July-September Issue, 2022) In Progress ...

Published: 2022-08-03

Research Article

The Effect of Related Party Transaction, Financial Distress, and Firm Size on Tax Avoidance with Earnings Management as Intervening Variable

Dhian Mahardhika, Dwi Asih Surjandari

The Effect of Size, Tangibility, Debt Maturity, and Foreign Ownership on Investment Efficiency by Family Ownership as Moderating Factor

Agus Sucipto, Erna Setiany

Analysis of Fundamental Factors to Improve the Performance of Hospitality and Tourism Companies: Case Study of Companies Listed on IDX Before and After COVID-19

Iriyadi, Hendra Setiawan, Nadia Hadjidah

Algorithmic Trading and Challenges on Retail Investors in Emerging Markets

Siyuan Yan, Xiaoxu Ling, Tian Cao, Shengqi Hu, Rong Xiong, Hongbo Ye,...

The Effects of the Innovative Decisions on Firms’ Innovative Performance of Nigerian Industry

Chibuike Umeoka

The Impact of the Quality of Digital Economy Development on Manufacturing in the Yangtze River Delta City Cluster

Qi He, Yushan Gong

A Study on the Financial Status of Hong Kong in a Complex Social Context

Zhuoran Zhao

The Current Situation and Opportunities for the Development of Green Finance in Hong Kong: Taking Green Bonds as an Example

Yuhan Luo

The Impact of Sci-Tech Finance on Technology Entrepreneurship: Empirical Evidence from China

Xueying Zou

The Analysis of China's Marketing Consultant Work from the Perspective of Knowledge

Junxia Li