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Staff Perception on Outsourced Facilities Management Services in Dalhatu Araf Specialist Hospital Lafia
The study aimed at investigating staff perception on outsourced facilities management services with a view to enhancing staff satisfaction with outsourced facilities management services and work motivation. Survey research was carried out through the use of a questionnaire instrument. A total of three hundred and fifty (350) questionnaires were administered to staff, out of which three hundred and four (304) were retrieved. The Stratified sampling technique was adopted for the study, while data obtained from the field were analyzed using statistical packages for social sciences and smart PLS 3. The study found out 9 FM services to be wholly outsourced in the hospital. These include; plant maintenance and repairs, general cleaning services, waste disposal services, landscaping maintenance, security services, office furniture and stationery provision, catering car park maintenance and restroom management. In addition, the findings indicated that there was a strong positive correlation between staff satisfaction with outsourced FM services and work motivation as the r value = 0.392, which is significant at 0.01 level (2-tailed). Further findings revealed that service excellence has the strongest effect on work motivation and, on the other way, has a weak effect on satisfaction. The Study concluded that staff are quite satisfied with the outsourced FM services in comparison to those rendered by an in-house staff of the hospital. The study recommends that hospitals and companies alike should exploit the option of outsourcing not only for FM services but also other none core services to have a competitive advantage.
Article information
Journal of Economics, Finance and Accounting Studies
Volume (Issue)
2 (2)
Open access

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