Research Article

The Impact of Capital Structure on Digital Bank Valuation in Indonesia


  • Wahyu Avianto Institut Pertanian Bogor, Indonesia
  • Ajar Susanto Institut Pertanian Bogor, Indonesia
  • Roy Sembel Institut Pertanian Bogor, Indonesia
  • Adler Haymans Manurung Institut Pertanian Bogor, Indonesia


The restricted activities during Covid -19 pandemic encourage people to spend more on online activities. One of the most shift activities happened in the banking sector activities. The high demand for digital services encourages banks to accelerate the transformation and development of their mobile banking to be more advanced. One exciting thing about the development of digital banks in Indonesia is the phenomenon of the high valuation of digital banks compared to other conventional banks. This study will answer whether the corporate action taken by large companies to buy small banks and transform them into digital banks is a factor in the high valuation of these digital banks. Moreover, will the high valuation persist or move into the normal range of other banks? This study used a quantitative research method. The approach of research used is a regression statistic model. Based on the Hausman test of 3 models used in this research, the best model used to identify the result is the fixed-effect model. The result showed a negative correlation between DER and PBV which was used as the variable in this research. There are many problems found in the ancient test statistic. There is no multicollinearity, autocorrelation, and heteroskedasticity. So, the result of fixed-effect regression in this research showed the BLUE analysis result.

Article information


Journal of Economics, Finance and Accounting Studies

Volume (Issue)

4 (4)





How to Cite

Avianto, W., Susanto, A., Sembel, R., & Manurung, A. H. (2022). The Impact of Capital Structure on Digital Bank Valuation in Indonesia. Journal of Economics, Finance and Accounting Studies , 4(4), 211-219.







Capital Structure, Digital Bank Valuation