Latest Issue

Vol. 6 No. 5: Journal of Computer Science and Technology Studies

(November-December, 2024) In Progress ...

Published: 2024-10-27

Research Article

UC CCS CAMPUSCORE: A Secure Digital Repository as Knowledge Management System

Neil Basabe, Heubert Ferolino, Dennis Durano, Joaquin Patiño, Alexis S...

Implementation of PWA in Scholarship Application Using Microservices Architecture for Enhancing User Engagement

Sri Andriati Asri, I Gusti Ngurah Bagus Caturbawa, Putu Manik Prihatin...

Predicting EFL University Students' Acceptance of Mobile Assisted Language Learning through the UTAUT2 Model

El Mehdi Chadli, Mohammed Bellet, Latifa Belfakir

Implementation of a Mobile-Based Laundry Order Management System at Barack Laundry in Sleman

Putri Masitoh, Ledy Elsera Astrianty

Seismic Activity Analysis in California: Patterns, Trends, and Predictive Modeling

Pravakar Debnath, Mitu Karmakar, MD Tushar Khan, MD Azam Khan, Abdulla...

Forecasting Electric Vehicle Adoption in the USA Using Machine Learning Models

Sanjib Kumar Shil, Muhammad Shoyaibur Rahman Chowdhury, Nikhil Rao Tan...

The Integration of Machine Learning in information technologies: Future Trends and predictions

Mahfuz Alam, Md Rafiqul Islam, Mir Mohtasam Hossain Sizan, Al Amin Aka...

AI in Healthcare Supply Chain Management: Enhancing Efficiency and Reducing Costs with Predictive Analytics

Fardin Sabahat Khan, Abdullah Al Masum, Jamaldeen Adam, Md Rashidul Ka...

Deep Neural Networks in Medical Imaging: Advances, Challenges, and Future Directions for Precision Healthcare

Shake Ibna Abir, Shahrina Shoha, Sarder Abdulla Al shiam, Md Shah Ali ...

Enhanced Parkinson’s Disease Detection Using Advanced Vocal Features and Machine Learning

Shaharina Shoha, Shake Ibna Abir, Sarder Abdulla Al shiam, Md Shah Ali...

Enhancing Efficiency and Accuracy of Optimization Techniques in Time Series Data Prediction Using Machine Learning: A Systematic Literature Review

Jun Tu, Azman B Yasin, Nur Suhaili Binti Mansor

Investigating Methods to Enhance Data Privacy in Business, Especially in sectors like Analytics and Finance

Tanvir Rahman Akash, Dennis J. Lessard, Nayem Rahman Reza, Md Shakil I...

Deep Learning-Based Classification of Skin Lesions: Enhancing Melanoma Detection through Automated Preprocessing and Data Augmentation

Shake Ibna Abir, Shaharina Shoha, Md Miraj Hossain, Syed Moshiur Rahma...

Precision Lesion Analysis and Classification in Dermatological Imaging through Advanced Convolutional Architectures

Shake Ibna Abir, Shaharina Shoha, Sarder Abdulla Al Shiam, Shariar Isl...

Deep Learning Application of LSTM(P) to predict the risk factors of etiology cardiovascular disease

Shake Ibna Abir, Shaharina Shoha, Sarder Abdulla Al shiam, Nazrul Isla...

AI-Enabled Optimization of University of Cebu Computer Laboratories: A Sit-in Reservation and Monitoring System for Enhanced Resource Management

Leo Bermudez, Jeff Salimbangon, Neil Basabe, Jennifer Amores

Augmented Reality as a Tool in Plant Research for Medicinal Purposes

Sutan Muhammad Bukhari, Enny Itje Sela

Natural Language Processing (NLP) in Analyzing Electronic Health Records for Better Decision Making

Md Russel Hossain, Shohoni Mahabub, Abdullah Al Masum, Israt Jahan

The Future of Digital Retirement Solutions: A Study of Sustainability and Scalability in Financial Planning Tools

Sujeet Kumar Tiwari