Research Article

Implementation of PWA in Scholarship Application Using Microservices Architecture for Enhancing User Engagement


  • Sri Andriati Asri Politeknik Negeri Bali
  • I Gusti Ngurah Bagus Caturbawa Politeknik Negeri Bali
  • Putu Manik Prihatini Politeknik Negeri Bali
  • Ni Wayan rasmini Politeknik Negeri Bali
  • Made Riyan Adi Nugroho Politeknik Negeri Bali
  • Elina Rudiastari Politeknik Negeri Bali
  • Widyadi Setiawan Universitas Udayana


The shortage of traditional web development makes researchers turn to web development using Progressive Web App (PWA) in developing a web, which has been increasingly done. PWA has the ability to function even with a low internet connection, maintain interactive user and access speeds, and provide real-time notifications. In modern web development, where the demand for data, features, and users can increase rapidly, an architecture is required to handle this problem. Microservices architecture can answer this. This research will develop a scholarship application using PWA and microservices architecture. The scholarship application was developed using Veu.js for the front end of the client application, MySQL for the application database, and the SLIM framework for microservices implementation. Furthermore, we utilized RAbbitMQ to develop a message broker and Docker for microservices contaner. The scholarship application developed using PWA technology and microservices in this research has been tested by conducting a User Acceptance Test. The results are the implementation of PWA in the scholarship application using microservice architecture has worked well, and the application performance has been able to overcome problems in terms of scalability, speed, and reliability.

Article information


Journal of Computer Science and Technology Studies

Volume (Issue)

6 (5)





How to Cite

Andriati Asri, S., Caturbawa, I. G. N. B., Prihatini, P. M., rasmini, N. W., Adi Nugroho, M. R., Rudiastari, E., & Setiawan, W. (2024). Implementation of PWA in Scholarship Application Using Microservices Architecture for Enhancing User Engagement. Journal of Computer Science and Technology Studies, 6(5), 21-28.







Scholarship application, Progressive Web App, Microservices