Research Article

Deep Learning Application of LSTM(P) to predict the risk factors of etiology cardiovascular disease


  • Shake Ibna Abir Instructor of Mathematics, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Arkansas State University, Jonesboro, Arkansas
  • Shaharina Shoha Instructor of Mathematics, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Arkansas State University, Jonesboro, Arkansas, USA
  • Sarder Abdulla Al shiam Department of Management, St Francis College, New York, USA
  • Nazrul Islam Khan Department of Mathematics & Statistics, Stephen F. Austin State University, Texas, USA
  • Abid Hasan Shimanto Department of Management Science and Information Systems, University of Massachusetts Boston, Boston, USA
  • Muhammad Zakaria Department of Management Science and Information Systems, University of Massachusetts Boston, Boston, USA
  • S M Shamsul Arefeen Department of Management Science and Information Systems, University of Massachusetts Boston, Boston, USA


Cardiovascular vascular disease (CVD) is a leading cause of death in the world. By 2025, it is estimated that 23.6 million people will be attacked by CVD. Thus, the health care industry is established in order to collect a large number of CVD information of cardiovascular disease and to support doctors in finding and recognizing its potential risk factors of CVD through mining and analyzing the information. This structured and unstructured case information may be used to find out potential patterns of diseases and symptoms using deep learning algorithms. The risk factors associated with cardiovascular disease are known from epidemiology, and this is the first prospective investigation on the condition in the community free mobility population. Physicians can anticipate cardiovascular disease and take early action if it can be predicted. Clinical data analysis is therefore considered to be the prediction of cardiovascular disease. The main contents and contributions are as follows: We start off with trying to predict using the classic data mining and machine learning techniques, and the results are not at all ideal. Generally speaking, after analysis, it is mainly caused by imbalance of data sets. To solve the problem of CVD data imbalance, a SMOTE oversampling method is proposed aiming at the imbalance of cardiovascular data collected in the Framingham community. In order to ensure accurate data collection during operation, the relationship between LSTM(P) and unit state is then tried, and the prediction technique of cardiovascular disease utilising LSTM(P) is realised. Lastly, tests are conducted to confirm the 4434 individuals' initial medical information in the data set. The algorithm has an MCC score of 0.96 and an accuracy of about 94%.

Article information


Journal of Computer Science and Technology Studies

Volume (Issue)

6 (5)





How to Cite

Abir, S. I., Shaharina Shoha, Sarder Abdulla Al shiam, Nazrul Islam Khan, Abid Hasan Shimanto, Muhammad Zakaria, & S M Shamsul Arefeen. (2024). Deep Learning Application of LSTM(P) to predict the risk factors of etiology cardiovascular disease. Journal of Computer Science and Technology Studies, 6(5), 181-200.







Cardiovascular disease; data imbalance, SMOTE; LSTM(P) model; prediction, deep learning