Research Article

Literature Translation through Discourse and Register Analysis Approach: A Systematic Review


  • Danica Ignacio Bulacan State University, City of Malolos, Philippines
  • Reynalyn Salundagit Bulacan State University, City of Malolos, Philippines
  • Ramil Ilustre Professional Lecturer of English, Bulacan State University, City of Malolos, Philippines


This scoping review studies how translation works through discourse and register analysis approach. In translation, different translation types have been successfully practiced. In interlingual translation, translating means beyond the word-for-word translation. In literature translation, the translation process demands improvement, especially in classical literature that needs to be understood in a target foreign culture. This systematic review aims to study how translation processes work and how discourse and register analysis approaches can improve translation products. Discourse analysis deals with how language communicates and holds its social and power relations. Discourse analysis aims to understand and investigate sentences and discourse through their underlying social and cultural context. Through the metafunctions of language, register variables such as the field, tenor, and mode, as well as through comparative analysis of the source text and the target text, translation products could be more efficient for the target audience. Hence, it can ensure translation quality. The conclusions of this systematic review could lead to future studies to improve translation quality through discourse and register analysis approach.

Article information


International Journal of Translation and Interpretation Studies

Volume (Issue)

2 (1)





How to Cite

Ignacio, D., Salundagit, R., & Ilustre, R. (2022). Literature Translation through Discourse and Register Analysis Approach: A Systematic Review. International Journal of Translation and Interpretation Studies, 2(1), 98–103.



Translation studies, translation, discourse analysis, register analysis, literature translation