Article contents
The Craft of Poetry: A Stylistic Study of Jamal Assadi's Verse
This article provides a detailed analysis of the stylistic features in thirteen selected poems by Professor Jamal Assadi . Through an examination of both phonetic and syntactic structures, the study identifies key elements such as external and internal rhythm, rhyme patterns, repetition, alliteration, and antithesis, which contribute to the musicality and flow of Assadi’s poetry. The article explores various grammatical elements, such as vocative expressions, imperatives, hyperbole, and techniques for emphasis, which amplify the emotional and expressive impact of the poems. Additionally, it emphasizes Assadi’s skillful incorporation of metaphor, simile, and symbolism, illustrating how these literary devices enrich his poetry with layers of meaning and nuance. The study also examines the interplay between classical Arabic poetic structures and contemporary themes, highlighting the harmony he achieves between tradition and modernity, this article offers valuable insights into what distinguishes Assadi’s poetic voice and contributes to the broader understanding of contemporary Arabic poetry.
Article information
International Journal of Literature Studies
Volume (Issue)
5 (1)
Open access

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