Research Article

A Comparative Study of Tayeb Salih’s Season of Migration to the North and Hanif Kureishi’s My Son the Fanatic: The Crisis of Identity in Postcolonial Literary Works


  • Lina Taysir Alzouabi PhD. Candidate in English Literature, Department of English Language and Literature, University of Karabuk, Turkey


Throughout postcolonial societies, identity is amongst the most contentious and problematic concerns. The topic of identity in postcolonial literature will be explored in this study, using critical postcolonial theory to examine the complicated topic of identity struggles in Tayeb Salih's Season of Migration to the North (1969) and Hanif Kureishi’s short story My Son the Fanatic (1994). Following a detailed examination, the study highlights the complex concept of hybridity and identity in a neocolonial environment, where a false concept of ‘purity’ defines and establishes identities. The protagonists’ struggles to improve and preserve an identity that straddles the line between complete integration and abandonment of their own culture are depicted in the study. The findings of the study demonstrate how issues occur when the West is placed higher than the East, and the postcolonial self is brainwashed and absorbed by this ideology. According to this study, oriental and occidental identities conflict still exists as long as the West maintains dominance over the East.

Article information


International Journal of Literature Studies

Volume (Issue)

2 (1)





How to Cite

Alzouabi , L. T. (2022). A Comparative Study of Tayeb Salih’s Season of Migration to the North and Hanif Kureishi’s My Son the Fanatic: The Crisis of Identity in Postcolonial Literary Works. International Journal of Literature Studies , 2(1), 15-21.







Postcolonial, Diaspora, Identity Crisis, Season of Migration, My Son the Fanatic