Peer reviewers are internet-based, part time volunteers whose working language is English. Their main tasks are to read and then recommend whether a manuscript should be accepted as is, accepted with revision, or outright rejected. To that end, peer reviewers will be asked to provide detailed, constructive comments that are substantiated by references where possible and that will help the editors in their publication decisions and with their author interactions. Reviewers must also be on alert for any issues relating to author misconduct, such as plagiarism, and report these to the editors.
- You are enforced to read carefully various manuscripts in your area of importance and interest. This is the way you are routinely forced to keep yourself up-to-date while checking and suggesting the changes in manuscript.
- This work helps to add in and provides a better way to create your identity as a well known expert in your field and may lead to increased invitations to speak at conferences or demand for invited research of your specialized area.
- You will be among the contributors who will shape and decide the urgent ways as required with changing societal needs.
- Your ideas and subject inputs may help in arranging special issues as per topics of your interest and choice.
- You will come across the latest research before everyone else and gives you a position of leadership in your research community.
- The editorial board members/reviewers who need financial support could enjoy 10% discount to publish their articles in IJLS.
We need our editorial board members and reviewers to be key figures in their professions to have some experience of publishing articles. A reviewer’s comment decides the acceptance or rejection of an article so they play an important role in peer review process. All the members are requested to test out the articles submitted to them without any bias to increase the quality of our journals. There is no hard and fast rule to analyse an article and it depends upon the worthiness, quality and originality. While verifying the article, you have to go through following points:
- Detailed examination and relevance of the article as per author guidelines.
- Careful examination of purposes and objectives of the work carried out.
- Correctness of the conclusions and recommendations along with up-to-date references.
- Copyediting and proofreading of the manuscripts in accordance with publishing standards especially with grammar, punctuation and spelling.
- Coverage areas of the manuscript in relevance with the scopes of journals.
- Plagiarism related issues if any.
- You have to give some suggestions based on the structure of the manuscript. In general, there is no limit for the maximum inputs.
The acceptance of following terms and conditions confirms your appointment as a member on editorial board or reviewer of IJLS.
- Your appointment is initially for two years.
- You are expected to observe carefully general policies, code of ethics and practices of the Science Publishing Group Publications which may change from time to time based on expansion plans for the improvement in quality of the journal system.
- You agree to display your name and photograph on the website of the site and journal cover.
It is expected that you will complete the term as stated. This agreement may be terminated at any time based on following conditions.:
- Lack of mutual understanding on common aspects as per the policies of IJLS.
- Repetitive unsatisfactory performance of the assigned work.
If you are interested to be a reviewer, fill up the application form (Click here to download) and send it to the Journal email address at: ijls.kindi@gmail.com