Research Article

Gender Variations in Linguistic Styles Across Online Platforms: A Thematic Analysis


  • Omer Elsheikh Hago Elmahdi Department of Languages & Translation, College of Science and Arts, Taibah University, Saudi Arabia
  • Asjad Ahmed Saeed Balla Department of English Language and Literature, College of Languages and Humanities, Qassim University, Saudi Arabia
  • Abbas Hussein Abdelrady Department of English Language and Literature, College of Languages and Humanities, Qassim University, Saudi Arabia


Extensive research has examined gender differences in communication across contexts. However, less is known about how variances manifest in digitally-mediated environments lacking traditional cues. This study analyses gender variations in linguistic styles across online platforms. A thematic analysis of discussion forum posts from gender-focused online communities was conducted to identify patterns in topics, expression of emotions, and interpersonal dynamics. Quantitative metrics including word count, sentiment polarity, and social interactions were also compared between male-centered and female-centered discussions. Key differences emerged. Women displayed more emotionally expressive language, drew from personal experiences, and crafted intimate discussions. Men conveyed opinions authoritatively with longer posts and less collegial exchanges. Cultural context also shaped dynamics, with variances depending on community composition. While certain established offline tendencies persist digitally, variances also evolve online. Recognizing distinctions can optimize gender inclusion in technology-mediated interactions permeating modern life. Further exploring contextual intricacies can offer deepened understanding for designers and users to accommodate diverse styles.

Article information


International Journal of Linguistics, Literature and Translation

Volume (Issue)

7 (12)





How to Cite

Omer Elsheikh Hago Elmahdi, Asjad Ahmed Saeed Balla, & Abbas Hussein Abdelrady. (2024). Gender Variations in Linguistic Styles Across Online Platforms: A Thematic Analysis. International Journal of Linguistics, Literature and Translation, 7(12), 62-74.







Gender differences; online communication styles; computer-mediated communication; thematic analysis; discussion forums; adult